#thank u for this knowledge ♥️
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eggtargaryenii · 3 months ago
miss mao ik u said u wanted more scenes of aemond on horseback but as an equestrian in that gif i have never seen a posture more ass……….. sir are you not a royal keep those heels down 😭😭😭 i fear he should stick to riding dragons and letting jace look pretty on horseback
STOPPPP THIS IS SO FUNNY DGLDHKSFJS god I want so badly for it to be canon that he sucks at horseback riding. it would make a lot of sense and I just feel like it would be the perfect way to humble him 😭😭😭 sadly he is supposed to crush this jousting match in chapter 5 so I cannot make it so in my fic, but know that in my heart, he is a terrible rider ♥️
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bunni-v1 · 2 days ago
so shadow milk legendary costume is coming so can we get more content of pre-corruption smilk 😝😝😭 pretty please and thank you ♥️
🍓Again I’m gonna call him Blueberry Yogurt because typing out pre corruption is annoying as fuck. Anyway, yes you can pookie mwah mwah mwah! These are short, but I still hope u like them :)
-Blueberry Yogurt is veryyyyy different from Shadow Milk. Shadow Milk describes his past self as a “Goody two shoes wet rag with no personality,” and while he’s being dramatic I don’t think he’s far off.
-Blueberry Yogurt is contemplative, gentle, kind, and above all else caring. He loves his subjects and his friends and he aims to share his knowledge with everyone. He’s in all sense of the word harmless. A sweet cookie with nothing but good intentions.
-He’s, essentially, his position as sage. And he doesn’t mind that, but he’s never really considered that he could be anything more. It’s what he was baked for, of course.
-Booooriiingggggg, as Shadow Milk would put it. But Blueberry Yogurt was content with things, it’s only after he realized cookies turn from the truth — mixed with the understanding of the sheer amount of power he held, that his mind changed.
-You we’re part of that realization. That, maybe, he could be more than what he was. That the life he lived wasn’t all it seemed to be. He was never made to fall in love, but he did, whose to say there isn’t more for him out there?
-But before that, he was likely the perfect partner to have. He cares a lot about his partner and their well-being, and he wants to be their total equal, even if they’re weaker than him.
-He spends a lot of his spare time with you. He’s an incredibly busy cookie with too many things to do, but he will always find time to spend on you. You are a high priority in his life, and he makes sure you know that.
-He likes having you around him, even when you aren’t doing the same things. Just you being there brings him peace of mind and makes him feel content.
-You being educated is equally important to him, so he takes the time to have conversations about serious topics. He’s particularly fond of reading with you and discussing the books with a critical eye. He won’t let you be blind to the truth, and if you’re afraid of it, he’ll work with you to ensure you aren’t.
-He’ll take you around the town when he visits, and most cookies know you as “The Sage’s Lover”. He won’t admit it, but that fact makes him proud. He loves to show you off, and he loves the fact that others know you’re together.
-Oh he does this cute thing where he’ll sweep you up in his arms and dance around with you. He’ll press you tightly against his body and swirl around like you’re at a real ball.
-He is so much more open about how much he loves you. He has no reason to hide or fear his affections for you, so he just doesn’t. His love is unabashedly displayed through physical touch as Blueberry Yogurt.
-Soft and gentle kisses pressed upon you dough. He burns into your dough his love for you so that you never forgot how much you are adored.
-He pulls you close and whispers his adoration like a prayer, as if to convince you of his love for you. Like you might forget if he doesn’t remind you so tenderly.
-He treats you to beautiful dates in locations you’ve only dreamed about, each one more heartfelt and romantic than the last. They’re built specifically to wow you, and he’s phenomenal at his job.
-He also gives you gifts all the time, hand made or things he found around the kingdom, it doesn’t matter. They’re all things you’ll make good use of, he makes sure of that.
-His goal is to make you feel considered and thought of. Again, he’s very successful. Everything he does takes you into account, and you become a very important part of his day to day life.
-One thing he does that Shadow Milk keeps is his love for carrying you around. It’s not a strength thing, he isn’t showing off, he just loves carrying you around. He feels like he can really care for you like that, so he does it as much as he can.
-He’s also very protective of you. He doesn’t stop you from engaging difficult topics and finding out truths, but he does stop others from disturbing your peace. It’s the one time he’ll use his magical abilities for selfish reasons, his need to keep you safe and happy winning out his morals for once.
-This is why when he feels himself… slipping… he sends you away as soon as he can. He doesn’t want you to think of him differently, and he’ll even take extra measures to ensure he won’t find you once he’s fully gone. (It’s the most annoying thing about himself, if you ask Shadow Milk. He plans for everything far too well.)
-It does ache and pain him to be so far from you when he does it, but it’s more important to him that you are safe. Even if it means you have to be safe from him.
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amiz06-certified-b1mb0 · 2 years ago
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TFS HFIL EP. 8 Little Lord Freeza
First off, I just can’t get over this particular scene, Frieza just spun so smoothly with so much sass.
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I get the joke now lol, the movies are all terrible coz they need to make the MCMs suffer. The fact Cell knew a lot of movies. Did he absorb those knowledge?ヽ(´▽`)/ The ep could’ve ended differently if Frieza just watched movies with Cell and listen to his info dump.
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Y he nakey? King Cold stop being d1lfy, sus and naked challenge. You cannot be Character of The Month again, GOSH. And he’s technically not naked according to uh…himself?
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I’m drawing Frieza in new expressions that I never expect! This is fun! Y’all he didn’t cry, but I’m pretty sure he is inside. Such a princess, you didn’t receive attention for a millisecond and-
Character of the Month: DODORIA. She’s got your back and did a great job reassuring and support her Lord! <333
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Inspired by the “Fallen Angel”, Alexandre Cabanel, 1847, oil on canvas. Because Frieza’s pain, falling from a prestigious class into desperation for his father’s attention. Fire.
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I put the new Forgis on the jeep~
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NananananaBatman! scuttlescuttlescutlle
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He definitely cried in his sleep
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King Cold might be goofy asf now, but we all know he can be dangerously manipulative, he’s intelligent like that. He’s planing something~
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It was a rollercoaster of motivation and demotivation but I pulled through! As always, thank you so much for looking through the artwork! I appreciate it so much and give a reblog if you like!🔁 ♥️ SEE U NEXT EPISODE!
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scentedpeachlandcreator · 4 days ago
I hope u're doing well! I've been reading ur blog like since 5-7 days ago, and I truly appreciate all the knowledge u share. I had decided not interact until now because, while I understood many concepts at first, some things suddenly became confusing as I kept reading. I would really appreciate it if u could explain everything I need to know from scratch to fully master the Law of Assumption and the 4D/3D concepts (I read one of your Google docs but I really got confused in some—if not most—parts.) English is not my first language, so some expressions make it harder for me to grasp everything completely. That’s why I’d be extremely grateful for a more detailed breakdown. And also, if it's not too much trouble, could you explain to me how to get CONSCIOUS to the void tonight? I know that every night we get to the void but I haven't been conscious, and I've been trying for 1 or 2 months at this point. I would really appreciate it if you could do it! Thank you so much for your time! Please continue with u so wonderful blog !!! ✨♥️
𔘓 Hello lovelyyy!
How are you? Thanks for liking my blog i appreciate it alot.
Anyway here's the breakdown:
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What is the Law of assumption:
The Law of assumption is a universal law that states what you assume to be true without proof will become a fact, but that comes with persistence in the assumption.
How to manifest:
★ pick your desire: you can choose whatever desire you want to manifest, it can be multiple, a list of them, and even the unrealistic ones, there's no limit.
★ declare that you have it and accept it: of course that would feel weird at first, but the moment you decide that you already have your desires and that they're yours then it's done, accept that you have it in your imagination. (It would feel natural with times)
★ have faith: have faith in the Law and in your imagination, the Law cannot fail you and never will, your assumption has to happen because it's a Law.
★ persist: no matter what your circumstances are, and what happening in the 3d does not matter, because even if things are going worse in the 3d, you still have your desires, they are yours from the start and nothing will take it away from you, so keep sticking to your assumption and being loyal to it, you know it is real and you believe that you already have it.
4D and 3D?
When it's comes to understanding the concept of the 3d and 4d and how they both work, many individuals tend to think that both of them are seperated, but that entirely wrong, they both work together and they're not seperated.
Imagine with me the 4d (aka your imagination) as an empty pitch black room, when you imagine something or make an assumption, your desire appear instantly in the empty room, and now you see it, you have it, but let's just say you start spirling, doubting, affirming the opposite, your desire that is in the empty room start fading away and is replaced by the negative ones where you say "i don't have it" and that What the 3d gonna reflect, but if you persist in your assumption no matter what the 3d shows you, your gonna keep that assumption alive in your 4d, in the empty room, then the 3d will reflect your 4d and you'll see it physically.
That Basically how the 3d and 4d works, the 3d is just a relfector, a mirror (3d) reflecting your reflection (4d).
To understand more about the 4d and 3d read this.
What does it mean creation is finished?
Creation is finished implies that whatever you wanted already exist in your consciousness, there's million and infinite of realities where you're already the Version of yourself that is living their dream life or having that specific desire.
If you want to understand more: read this.
What does it mean to live in the state of the wish fulfilled?
I know you heard this term already but i'm about to make it simple for you: the state of the wish fulfilled is a feeling you have, the knowing feeling that your desires are yours and there's no point in looking for it in the 3d, because you just decided that it's already yours, you won't feel like "waiting" for your desires, "looking for your desires", "Desperate for your desires to show up", or "being impatient for your desires", you know you have it and that it's done, there's nothing for you to do but keep living in that state until it's show up in the 3d.
Read this and this.
How to use the Law of assumption to induce the void state?
Now before i say anything, i recommend you to read this and this to understand more about your pure consciousness aka the void state.
★Pick an affirmation for example:
"i Always induce my pure consciousness easily and effortlessly"
"everytime i fall asleep i Always end up in my pure consciousness"
"i Always wake up in my pure consciousness whenever i fall asleep"
★Believe in yourself and in your power: that is really essential, it's comes with the powerful and strong believe that you could do it and that you're already a master at inducing your pure consciousness.
★Persist in your assumption: no matter what happens in the 3d, no matter how many times you wake up in your old shitty reality and still find yourself there, keep persisting that you did induce your pure consciousness last night and that you're a master at it, do not give up, i'm telling you, that your assumption are more powerful than what the 3d throw at you, the 3d is just reflecting you old beliefs and assumption, so stick to your assumption and keep being loyal to it.
Ta-da! Easy right? Now i don't want you to stay in this shitty Reality and lock tf in!
If you have any questions you can check out this post, and this post and this post, this one and this one.
Xoxo, Eli
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evvlevie · 1 year ago
Are you desperate to manifest? Then read my advice.
Hello my sweet followers! It's your favorite shifting/manifestation Blogger Evie again, and today I am here to soothe your nerves.
See, if you are anything like me, I know you. I know the way you have been obsessing over this particular desire of yours, closely watching every single possible hint of this desire arriving in your 3D and continuously over-consuming content on social media regarding manifestation/shifting content.
And since I have been there, I know what kind of advice you are craving. What kind of "hack" you are desperately seeking to finally unlock you having everything you have ever wished for. Coming across thousands of methods, overthinking their legitimacy, doubting everything, feeling like you are pushing your desires away, and then panicking, genuinely panicking, over the fact that you are sabotaging your own self and your desires. All of this ending with asking yourself why you deny yourself heaven.
Let me guide you through this.
First of all:
forget everything you have over-consumed in the last days/weeks/months. All of this extracurricular type of knowledge that you acquired regarding manifestations and all of that. Allow the two of us to start with a clean canvas here.
... you done? Thank you, my darling ♥️
Now let me tell you something about manifestation ...
Key, and I mean 🔑 K E Y 🔑 to manifesting things, is trust and faith.
yes. It's that easy, but also that hard.
Due to the way our society is constructed, we life our lives with the expectation that everything good only comes after a lot of hard work, a lot of pressure and most importantly : control.
There you have reason number one why people get in their own way when manifesting things. They doubt their manifestations can arrive "just because" they wished on it or believed on it. They can not trust into the fact, that that is all it can take, they believe they need some sort of control over their blessings. They want to know how it arrives, when it arrives, maybe even why it arrives. They want to control something, because that would satisfy their belief, that nothing comes from nothing.
Y O U are a spiritual being. Y O U are consciousness. Y O U are also the physical environment that you are in. Your 3D is Y O U.
But your cute little desperate, over-consuming ass knows that already doesn't it? Of course you do. And I am here to reward you with your own little ✨A+✨ for effort, but you need to understand the essence of what it means that the 3D is Y O U.
Your 3D is a direct, and I mean direct, translation of your soul. You and your physical environment are tied together. You are conjoined twins. You might seem like two separate entities, but on every level that matters, you guys are one. Your moods get reflected into the 3D, just like the 3D can affect your mood by presenting you a certain situation. But it is important to note, that everything starts with your assumptions, and ends with your 3D producing the physical version of that. Let me say this again: the 3D is a P R O D U C T of YOUR ASSUMPTIONS. Anything that you see, feel, smell whatever, is old news. It is the physical shape of your PAST thoughts.
So now, when you are affirming that your neighbor is in love with you and is going to ask for your hand in marriage, and he doesn't do it the very next day, do you assume your manifestations have failed? Maybe. Are you panicking now, because you have thought a negative thought and the entire internet has taught you, that this negative thought has now prevented you from ever attaining your desire ever? And do you now affirm against your accidental self sabotage in the way that you are drowning your head in forced positive thoughts that you are not believing a single bit? And are you now back to panicking because you know that you don't believe your forced positive thoughts, and you are anxious that this has now pushed your manifestations further back away?
I have been there. In fact I can only type out this scenario because I HAVE FELT THAT WAY.
But rest assured, because here is where my 🔑 K E Y🔑 of trust and faith ties in.
When I tell you, that you are a spiritual energy capable of changing your physical reality as much as you like, as enormously as you want, I want you to think of yourself like a greek god, or a magician of some sort. As if you had a blank notebook in front of you and anything you write in it happens. 100% Guarantee. How powerful would you feel? That's your exact, and I mean exact, power. The 3D is not your commander. You are like a child with infinite fantasy and the 3D is just play-doh that you mold to your liking. Realize your power. And most importantly: ACCEPT it. Accept, that even the bad stuff that had happened to you, happens BECAUSE of you. Nothing ever starts from anything else other than you. Remember: the 3D is like your conjoined twin. It is not your enemy, because it's delayed production shows you things you dislike, it's simply just you.
✨Now imagine this:✨
Let's say you want to manifest, that you get a brand new car. A MINI. Let's say a red one (totally not suggesting this because I drive a red MINI). And let's say you want that car so bad, you look up at the sky and shout at it : "Please god! Let me have a red MINI! Preferably with a heated steering wheel!" AND TO YOUR SURPRISE a woman right next to you overheard your little prayer there and tells you this: "Lucky for you, I am a fortune teller! And I can see that you are driving a red MINI with a heated steering wheel AND it even has Apple Car-Play!" You jump up and down out of joy and nothing can stop you. Your mother just told you that you guys can't afford another car insurance but you don't care, because the fortune teller already told you about your crazy cool red MINI. Suddenly the every MINI-dealership on the planet is destroyed in a hurricane, but you don't care because you know from your fortune-teller that you will get a red MINI, so why would you bother? Two weeks since then have passed, and out of nowhere your father confesses to you, that he has partaken in a crazy poker-game where a random rich dude has gambled with his brand new, red MINI-Cooper and that your very own dad (who you didn't even know, knew how to play poker) has won this amazing car for you (and it even has heated seats!).
This scenario, is what manifestation is for you, every day. Persisting in a fact that you already have something, despite the 3D showing you different, is trust and faith in yourself as the one and only creator of your reality. YOU are your own fortune teller. YOU know, that your desire is on its way to you, because you decided that it is. Every single time, you manifest things and the opposite is showing up, you need to be your own best friend, your own hero, your own fortune teller and your own creator and remind yourself, that you have all of your desires on their way, because only you can make a decision in your realm. You look outside of the window and there is no MINI in the driveway? Well I guess the translation into the 3D is slow again, because I know I manifested one.
Things have always taken its longest way to me, when I desperately tried to control. Tried to monitor and tried to micro-manage the way stuff happens. And when it didn't come quick enough, I would blame myself and question my powers. But there is no reason to question your powers, when you as the creator are prefect in creating. Your production might be slow, It might be weird and it produces in unexpected ways, but it's for sure reliable. When you put oranges into a juicing machine, you get orange juice. You just have to trust into your own production company that its producing your products (and they are).
There is no reason, no room for anxiety, for overthinking or doubts. The process is simple. You order, you get. Every time. Nothing else. And sometimes you see your old orders before you see your recent ones, but that's okay your recent ones are still on their way. If you were to bawl your eyes out the moment your mother told you, she won't buy you a red MINI, that wouldn't have changed the fact that the fortune teller already predicted you that car. You would just be crying for no reason, but idk maybe you just need to? Who am I to judge the reason someone is crying, bestie?
Manifesting with this anxious overthinking scenario I showed you earlier can feel heavy, but I am here to remind you, that your anxious 3D-reactions are not postponing your manifestations, if you as a creator decide, that you are allowed to react without consequences, or at least without the consequences you would disapprove of. If you panic, and you feel like every single thought matters and manifests, then yeah obviously. The trick is to realize, that there is a cheat code to everything, and in this case, it's deciding that certain things just never happen because you don't want them to.
So finally I want you guys to remember:
be your own fortune teller, and trust into the fact that you always predict correctly.
yours in every reality,
Evie <3
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altercrafting · 5 months ago
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welcome, players, to altercrafting ! A radqueer and para friendly alter pack request blog for strictly mcyt sources. This blog is run by three mods, Mod Scott 🫀📿 , Mod Packet 🐛💌 , and Mod Clownpierce🎪🃏. The three of them serve different sources, which will be listed below in their intros!
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general rules of the blog / requesting
Mods are allowed to deny and/or delete requests for any reason!
Both mods have different looking templates, please keep that in mind! Mod Packet looks similar to @/alterpack-drivethru for reference!
Mods will not do terms related to nazis and likewise content!
DNI if you're anti radqueer, antiship / pro harassment / pro censorship, anti endo, anti transIDs & good faith ids. Follow your own DNI! Hate will be deleted and blocked.
When requesting multiple alters in a pack, know that it will take longer. Especially if it's a subsys / sys starter pack :]
Unspecified links will be deleted. If you send an ask/submission with a link, you better detail it! Or it's being deleted.
Rules will update if needed. Check regularly.
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Mod Scott : 🫀📿
Scott Smajor - he/hue/hell/rots/gores/guts
sources ill do rqs for : dsmp, ausmp¹, hermitcraft (especially s9 - 10), empires smp (especially s2), life series, witchcraft smp, team crafted, main channel yogscast + some yogscast duncan.
bold sources I'm most familiar with! sometimes, my memory is rusty, and I may get things wrong sometimes. :(
¹ I'm most familiar with my source when it comes to AUSMP.
i can also add on pk content if asked. Packs will take longer. But I am willing to do stuff such as: pk banners, pk colors, (simple) pk descs, (simple) pk display names, and proxies.
I'll also do (limted to blorbos) ; moodboards / outfit boards, pfp mask edits (taking a faceclaim and putting it on an overlay), simple rentry frame edit.
Extra stuff may or may not be completed. It's dependent on spoons. :]
blorbo list: philza, wilbur soot, technoblade, tubbo, schlatt, quackity, tommyinnit, scott smajor, tangotek, jimmy solidarity, skydoesminecraft, deadlox, xephos, lalnable, setosorcerer
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Mod Packet : 🐛💌
HI!!! I'm mod packet :3 you may know me from @alterpack-drivethru !!! I work there too!!! We use it/its collectively, but most neos work too! I'm a busy busy bee, but I love making alter packs! I am most knowledgeable in:
Hermitcraft (+ life series)
YHS (I have a. Personal rewrite happening in our head)
Scu/slimecicle cenimatic universe
Witchcraft smp
New Life SMP
Empires s1 & s2
Tangos Create Series
I generally do similar extra add-ons as Scott does, but i dont take request for them. I may do some with request, but generally its whenever we want to. There's no guarantee that it'll get done or won't take a large amount of time. No blorbo list, i am too eepy to think of them. Thank u for reading!
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Mod Clownpierce : 🎪🃏
Hello, I’m mod Clownpierce. You may know me from @clownp1ercer or our other alter blogs! We use He/Jester collectively, or they/them works too. We love making alterpacks, but currently our main focus is lifesteal alterpacks! Our knowledge is in (♥️ favs, 🗡️ knowledge in but less likely to make packs from) :
♥️ Lifesteal SMP (all seasons), Outcasts SMP, Kaboodle SMP, Unstable Universe, 100 days series (Legundo, SB, NiftySmith, etc), Sam Gladiators YHS, Aphmau (PDH, MyStreet and Diaries)
🗡️ DSMP, QSMP, Life Series, Hermitcraft, EVO SMP, OSMP
No blorbo list just know im literally clownpierce irl :o)
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optimalexit · 5 months ago
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[ Hello! You can call me Wyre ]
[ I use it/he pronouns!! ]
[ I identify with; ]
< Gay - For humans >
< Objectum >
< And occasionally Robotkin >
[ thank u for stopping by ]
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[ I currently have one object partner, Belle my phone 🫶 ]
[ I do though have a good friendship / bordering qpr with Desmond, my recordplayer and am getting to know my tv-radio (nameless as of now) ]
[ I also have a human boyfriend who I love dearly, though he isnt objectum to my knowledge lol ]
[ Boats & Old Technology ♥️ ]
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carmenized-onions · 7 months ago
im trying to write my own carm fic and u just amaze me—how do u write about food so well ? is it prior knowledge, research? i know nothing but i want to incorporate food like u do ♥️♥️ big hearts for the fic!!
im so happy that anyone thinks i write food well so thank you thank you thank you first of all
second of all whatever you write i'm sure it'll be wonderful!!! and third!! it's a mix of a lot let's chat about food for a moment possibly a long moment get over here
I just like food. Just a big fan of food. Very much so a big part of like my culture/family/friends dynamic is showing love through feeding each other/eating together/sharing recipes etc etc-- So in that regard! When it comes to loving food! THat's just me
I have never worked a service job i hope no one can tell. I have friends/family/roommates that work in food service so most RESTAURANT things are from them however MAKING DISHES OOOHHHH
Fuck it, every recipe in Chicago's Kindest and their origins compilation!
Pork Brisket Sandwich!
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Pretty much just following the recipe of one of the best sandwiches I've ever had that a dear friend of mine and her partner made me one night. I added the garlic confit because it's Carmen, and I've made confit before so like-- It's good. I think it'd go well. I guess when it comes to things like salt beds, acid/sweet, that just comes from me knowing how to cook a little bit kind of.
Wagyu Steak, Mushrooms, & Croquettes!
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This one I straight up yoinked from Daniel NYC, a Michelin Star restaurant who I take from a lot (Yeah it scared the shit out of me when they showed up in the opener of season 3, fucking cameras in my HOUSE good lord.) I found them by looking for reviews of Michelin Star restaurants in New York and found a review of this plate specifically.
I did add the gruyere center to put a slight spin on it, and also made it 3 pieces of steak instead of two. Because One I think 2 cubes is a rip off and 2 I have had croquettes before and they are deeply unsatisfying to chew they need SOMETHING in the middle.
Breakfast Bruschetta !
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This is just my own recipe-- I love this to make this for myself on like a weekend when I have the time, or make this for friends when they sleepover. It's good! I prefer feta to parm, also. You also don't have to use basil. Frankly basil is too fragrant. I just have a lot of basil because I grow it.
I don't remember how and why I came up with it-- I think I just really fuck with bruschetta and also love breakfast and eggs.
Oxtail Hot Pocket Wellington
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So this is the original recipe from Daniel NYC, however I don't believe they sear it? Reason being, I researched different parts of this recipe and basically-- I knew I wanted it to be bad and go wrong, and specifically be extremely bitter.
And while googling keywords found that searing Fois Gras/Duck can cause a bitter taste! Not sure if it's bitter enough to cause the violent reaction everyone had, but works for me. And then it got altered, of course--
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I have no idea if this would work. In theory I think it would. I did make this all up. Feta does have tang. Basil is fragrant. Beef Oxtail Wellington is a thing. I can't see why adding sauces to the internal pastry wouldn't work all that differently than basting with butter?
Again. I guess I just like cooking. But also research! Who is still reading this, who cares. whatever let's keep goin'
Cherry & Lamb :'(
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This one was taken from Le Pavillion, Daniel Boulud's restaurant (Yeah, 'Boulud Nod' also scared the shit out of me in season 3), it's also a Michelin Star I believe? I looked over their website/menu after finding them through a directory of restaurants, and I knew I wanted to do something with cherries, so I was really blessed with this recipe from them truly.
Did research on terms I didn't understand, like montmorency and aigre-doux and what the fuck was up with lamb saddle-- I did add the basil because it makes me emotional and Carmen's fuckin obsessed with microgreens as has been made clear.
Oh fuck I did forget drinks are probably also important. We'll talk about the aperol spritz in a second but when it comes to lavender coffee/ black lavender latte-- Man. I just like cardamom and Carmen makes me think of lavender. idunno i'm gay, ANYWAYS
Pop Rocks & Steak :-O
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This one is from my brain. As far as I know no Michelin Star place has made something savoury with pop rocks. I did do a dash of research on interesting things people are doing with pop rocks, and did see some fucking psycho on reddit making short ribs with pop rocks, and their girlfriend did think they actually tasted good, and that they caused a salavating of the tongue that made it melt very well
A3 Wagyu - Wagyu is like, marbled steak, and I knew he'd want the quality (it's the BEST!) but in my understanding of food, marbled fat would probably make the pop rocks preemptively melt and so it wouldn't have the same effect-- Looked at a Wagyu chart, found that A3 has less fat more meat, bingo bango
Pomegranate molasses-- It's fruity and it's used in barbecuing all the time-- I figured it'd be the perfect melder of the two concepts. However I do not know how one could make it sorbet thick. that's not my job though, that's carmen's. Would this taste good? I have no idea.
Aperol Spritz, Pink Pepper & Grapefruit
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I kept seeing signs on the subway home advertising a ready made canned Aperol Spritz. I haven't actually had one myself. I get a vodka cran and I fuck off, personally. However--
These descriptions are all from research (googlin), and the grapefruit/pink pepper is from me really enjoying the spritz pink pepper scent in the perfumes Missing Person by Phlur and Glossier's You. And I was like oh that'd be nice with grapefruit. They make grapefruit pink pepper bitters? Google search! Yeah they do! Probably would be good. And to me it's very Carmen.
Coconut Emulsion & Souffle
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This one was from the fact that I knew I wanted 3 things. I knew I wanted the recipe to come from Chip washing her makeup off, I knew I wanted to have an emulsion, because I think that's a fun word to say, and I knew I wanted it to be coconut-- Cause white, like cleansing balm.
And so, googled Michelin Star Coconut Emulsion. After a lot of scrolling, found Michelin Guide's article on Kei Kobayashi, a chef from Japan earning 3 stars (congrats baby!) and in it, whatdya know?
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(combawa is also known as kaffir limes, did some googling, they're known for their zest and stronger scent in comparison to your average lime. )
i've been talking for so long.
what i'm trying to say is i do a lot(? is it alot? idk) of research. I go in with a loose idea of 'i know i want this aspect to this dish' and i go from there!! i also have started taking photos of menus at restaurants and trying to come up with my own shit.
I love food, so it's fun to talk/think about!! I think watching bon apetit back in the day really had an effect on me, honestly. If you want to get into thinking about insane ways to make food, no one was doing it like Sohla when they were so lucky to have her. So i'd reccomend just like,,, OPEN UR BRAIN!! GET WEIRD!! DO A LOOSE BIT OF RESEARCH BUT ALSO SOMETIMES MAKE IT THE FUCK UP!! HAVE FUN!! that's the point !
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 1 year ago
Hello, this is very embarassing and maybe even dumb so that's why it's Anonymous.
You can choose not to answer if this is not an ok thing to do, thank you.
since I've been doubting the possibility of being autistic, i have been writing down traits and struggles, characteristics of the DSM-5 (without reading much into it) And taking various tests. All which lead to a kind of extensive google document about everything that is me and my reasons and "not so" reasons.
The thing is i still cannot afford a psychologist and haven't found any that specializes in autism either. So to at least clear some doubts or even update the document a little bit, i wanted to ask if anyone would be willing to read it and maybe criticise and analyze it (with anyone meaning preferably AFAB, autistic and adhd folks and maybe ones specialized in autism itself or just knowledgeable)
Again, its anonymous because its a really embarrassing request and maybe a stupid idea, so please don't feel pressured into posting anything, thank you very much.
If u end up posting it and someone is interested, I'll just talk to them myself 💔
Hi anon,
I’m very curious about this Google document and I’m also Afab, so maybe I can help. If it’s okay, can you message me privately so I can see it?
You don’t have to, of course, but I would still like to read through it.
Thank you for the inbox. I hope you’re having a wonderful day/night. ♥️
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shockpinkrosary · 8 months ago
Hello 👋 🤗,
I hope you are well 🌺.
I am writing to you with a heart full of hope and faith, asking for your urgent help. My family is in great danger due to the war, and I am running a fundraising campaign to save them.
Please, could you reblog the post about my campaign on my account? Every share can make a difference in my family's life. 🙏
Note:My old Tumblr account was deactivated💔, and I need your support again♥️.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for any help you can provide. 🌹🌺
Ofc! Here is the post everyone please make sure to rb / donate if u can 💖
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eggtargaryenii · 4 months ago
hi coco I hope u don't mind me screenshotting your tags !!!! I just need to keep them forever T_T
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You were a disgrace to House Targaryen, the product of an impulsive wedding between a lost prince and some Essosi whore. You had little social capital within the Red Keep and few prospects for marriage, but that was alright. You were perfectly happy to stay out of the game of thrones, wed some politically relevant lord of Alicent Hightower’s choosing, and die in peaceful obscurity. Unfortunately for you, Prince Aemond had other designs for your future.
5.8k words, aemond x fem!reader x jacaerys (though sadly, jace is not in this chapter). romance, childhood friends to lovers (except it's cousins), political drama. warnings for targaryen incest (between cousins), xenophobia/racism (depending on how you interpret the reader's racial coding), teenagers discussing sex, and a reference to underage sex in canon. the reader is half-valyrian and half-essosi, ethnically undefined. features are not described but she is considered conventionally attractive. dividers from @/cafekitsune.
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You were a child when you learned that your mother was a whore.
Your father—a cousin to King Viserys—found your mother in one of the famed pillowhouses of Lys and brought her home as a souvenir. She was already heavy with you when they landed in Blackwater Bay, singing to you as your father cradled her belly every night. Though they had already been wedded in the Red Temple of Volantis, their union blessed by the light of R’hllor, it was your father’s wish that their love was also witnessed by the gods of Westeros. They were wedded once more in the Great Sept of Baelor, in a ceremony that was an affront to your grandsire, Prince Velarion. So wroth was he that everyone anticipated a terrible fate for your little family: the marriage annulled, your father forced into penance, and your mother killed.
But to the displeasure of Prince Velarion, one of the dragons chose you for a bond. (You were still in the womb when Wildfyre started clicking and squawking at you, and snarling at any man who came near your mother; he did not stop until you claimed him at ten-and-two, soaring upon his back through the skies of Myr.) The dragon keepers insisted that this was a sign that you were chosen by the gods of Old Valyria, so the lives of you and your mother were spared.
Still—your mother was eventually exiled, and your lord father wished to see her back to Lys. You had cried bitterly and begged to go with them, but your father said that the journey through the Stepstones would be too dangerous. He entrusted you to Viserys until his return, and then embarked on a journey that should not have taken more than one hundred days.
Ten years later, you still waited for him.
It was hard to recall when it was concluded that your father was unlikely to return; you only remembered that you did not accept it. The mornings and evenings of your early childhood were spent watching all the ships that passed through Blackwater Bay, waiting for red-and-black sails and a man you could now hardly remember. You only stopped once you flew through the skies of the Free Cities on dragonback, and not a single lost prince waved to you from among the crowds.
Your father’s disappearance left your position in jeopardy. The King could have easily taken control of his wealth and disinherited you if he so wished—as your grandsire was inclined—but His Grace instead decided that you should stay in the Red Keep and be treated like any other trueborn Targaryen. You were told as a child that this was an act of magnanimity, a gesture born out of love for his lost cousin, but you later came to realise that it was likely a self-serving move conjured up by Otto Hightower. Marriages were the easiest way to form political alliances; having an extra Targaryen lady to marry off was good leverage.
But despite your utility, you were still a stain within the Red Keep—a disgrace for the histories of the Targaryen dynasty. Nearly as great of one as Princess Saera herself, though perhaps still not quite as embarrassing as the three bastards sired by Lord Strong unto Princess Rhaenyra. Nevertheless, you were still a pariah. After all, children inherit the sins of their parents in the eyes of the Seven, meaning that your mother’s sin was also yours.
And so—when you were a child, you learned that if your mother was a foreign whore, then so too were you.
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Aemond was a child when he learned that people mistook you for a whore.
He learned this by listening to his queen mother, eavesdropping on a hushed conversation between her and his father. They were at a tourney, the crowd abuzz with chatter, which was perhaps why they were speaking so openly. The Queen stared at you as you sat next to Helaena, frowning at the closeness between the two of you. Being close in age, it was natural that the two of you spoke to each other frequently. You were a little older than all three of Alicent’s children and, as was common of a girl your age, you had prepared a favour: a ring of forget-me-nots interwoven with a ribbon you often wore. It was simple, but pretty, and it gave Aemond a feeling of deep distaste for some reason he couldn't identify.
His mother seemed to find it distasteful too. “Hard to believe she prepared a favour,” she said. She used the tone with which she often spoke of Princess Rhaenyra, the one that suggested derision. Aemond listened carefully, as he tended to whenever you came up in the conversation.
“And why would that be?” his lord father asked. He sounded defensive, also similar to the way he always did when his firstborn daughter came up. And as with Rhaenyra, Alicent seemed not to care for his sentimentality toward you.
“Well, what man would think to ask for it,” she asked, not delicately, “given her parentage?”
“Whatever you may think of her mother,” the King replied, “the girl is still a trueborn Targaryen. It is natural that she may catch the attention of some lordling or knight.”
“Surely not one with any faith, nor any serious ambitions in the court,” Alicent remarked. “Because she is—”
She paused then, hesitating. When Aemond snuck a glance at his father, he saw a stiff smile on his face.
“She is?” he questioned.
“...she resembles her mother more and more with each passing day,” Alicent remarked. “And one would think that she is similar. Foreign and improper in nature. A daughter of sin.”
Aemond’s brow furrowed. His mother spoke often of sin, of those who should beg for the grace of the Seven lest they be condemned to hell. She often reminded Aegon not to commit any such transgressions lest he disgrace the family, which he seemed to often do anyway. Aemond did not think you were particularly like his older brother, who stank constantly of wine and snuck off to Flea Bottom on every possible occasion. On the contrary, you were mostly well-behaved—except when you were quarrelling with Aegon—hardly ever indulged in any vices, and you only ever snuck out of your room to make miserable, wistful faces at the waters of Blackwater Bay.
And unlike Aegon, you were also kind.
Aemond did not know why exactly you had always been so nice to him; he just knew that you were unwaveringly so. Perhaps you felt a kind of kinship with him because he was frequently as miserable as you. For as long as the two of you had known each other, you had never once teased Aemond, and you in fact defended him. Just a few moons ago, you’d shouted at Aegon after the incident with the pig in the dragonpit, comforted Aemond after the fact, and encouraged him to claim Vhagar thereafter. To show up your ass of a brother, you’d suggested. And when Lucerys slashed his face open in the aftermath, you kept Aemond company for the entire duration of the recovery—watching them remove his ruined eye despite your disgust, keeping him company at his bedside when a fever took him, glowering at the Strong bastards whenever they came near him. Only his mother cared for him more deeply.
Aemond did not know what kind of sin such a kind person could have committed—what his queen mother should be referring to. So he turned to his brother and asked, “What does Mother mean by that?”
“Mean by what?” Aegon asked, eyes on the knights before the crowd. Clearly distracted.
“She called our cousin a daughter of sin. What does she mean?”
“Oh.” His brother glanced briefly at you, eyes considering. They travelled down your silhouette in a way that Aemond misliked for some reason he couldn't identify. “She means our cousin is a whore.”
“A whore?” Aemond asked, questioning. He’d heard the word many times, of course—sometimes uttered by his brother, and once lobbed at Princess Rhaenyra—and understood it as an insult. But no one had ever explained its specific meaning to him.
Aegon gave him an incredulous look. “You don't know what a whore is?” At Aemond's blank expression, Aegon explained, “It means she spreads her legs for money and is destined to go to hell. You know, like the women on the Street of Silk.” He paused, sizing up Aemond. “I should take you there someday, give you a proper education—then you’ll know exactly what mother means when she says ‘daughter of sin’.”
“I know what sex is,” Aemond replied defensively, though he didn't entirely know the details. “I'm not stupid.” He frowned then. “She doesn't work on the Street of Silk, though.”
“No, but her mother worked in a Lysene pillow house—much the same as the Street of Silk, though I hear the establishments of Lys are nicer, and filled with the most beautiful slaves from all over Essos.” Aegon looked at you again in a way that Aemond did not like. “I wonder if she inherited any of her mother’s talents. Maybe she’ll let me fuck her someday and I'll find out.”
Aemond felt a sense of disgust at the thought, even without fully knowing what his brother was imagining. All he knew was that he hated the thought of his brother putting his hands on you. “She wouldn't.”
“She would.”
“Would not.”
“Would too.”
“Would not! Who’d want to lay with you?”
Aegon scoffed. “Every woman from the Wall to Yi Ti, of course. Who wouldn't want to fuck a Targaryen prince?” He elbowed Aemond. “That includes you too, you know. Maybe if you pay her, she’ll let you have a turn as well. Then I wouldn't even need to take you to the Street of Silk to become a man.”
The feeling of disgust intensified. Not knowing what to do with it, Aemond kicked Aegon in the shin, making the young man yelp.
“Ow! What was that for?”
“For being an ass.”
“An ass? I'm giving you advice, man to man! Guiding you toward adulthood and a glorious night with our Lysene beauty of a cousin!”
“I don't want a glorious night with her.”
“Fine, then—I alone will enjoy her.”
Aemond kicked him again, and Aegon cursed. “Little shit!” he hissed, which—as Aemond had planned—earned him a violent shush and a glare from their mother. His brother gave him a dirty look for the manipulation.
“I don't know why you're getting all sensitive about this,” Aegon said. He squinted at Aemond then, discerning. “Say—is this jealousy? Insecurity? Are you worried that you aren’t man enough to bed her?”
Aemond glowered at him, which made Aegon laugh and clap his back.
“No need to worry if she rejects you, little brother. I know a number of skilled women on the Street of Silk, any one of them as good in bed as our cousin should be. After all, one whore’s as good as another.”
Aegon scowled. “Stop calling her that. She’s a lady of House Targaryen, not a whore.”
“Who says a lady can't be a whore? Just think of our Aunt Saerra! I guess you wouldn’t know, but she ended up in a pleasure house, first in Flea Bottom, and now somewhere in Lys. And look at our half-sister—mother to three bastards. I'm sure our dear cousin will follow in their footsteps. It's in her blood.”
“She wouldn't do that,” Aemond replied sharply. “She's nothing like those two.”
How could you be? Princess Saerra had been a vile person and Rhaenyra was a self-serving liar. Both Aegon and his mother had to be wrong about you—Aemond was sure of it. His mother treated you with such judgement, but he was certain you were undeserving of it.
He was sure of it too when his brother finally took him to the Street of Silk years later, and he bedded a woman for the first time. Sylvi was her name. She was indeed very skilled, and she was kind as well—stroking his hair afterwards and praising him for doing such a good job. It reminded him somewhat of his mother’s touch upon his head after Lucerys took out his eye, and the way you held his hand as his fever set in. But that was the end of any similarity between you and Sylvi; and in that respect, you were much more like his mother than this strange woman anyway. Aemond knew then that you were neither a whore nor a sinner. He couldn’t imagine you disgracing yourself like the girls who sold themselves at the brothel, let alone selling yourself to someone like his brother.
But his mother had been right about one thing: no one asked for your favour that day during the tourney. You’d sighed at the ring of flowers, looking a little forlorn, and tossed it later onto the floor of the godswood—an offering for the old gods, you'd said to the weirwood, because the new ones were shit. Aemond watched you from behind an ancient oak, waiting for you to leave. Once he was certain you were gone, he snatched your favour from the ground. He studied it carefully, eyes tracing the ribbon woven deftly between the flowers. He remembered that you wore it when you stayed by his bedside.
He untangled it from the ring of forget-me-nots, and he decided to take it back to his room.
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Alicent Hightower was eager to marry you off.
The Small Council had spent the past several weeks discussing the prospects of your marriage. Without any parents to oversee your betrothal, the decision of your match laid entirely in the hands of King Viserys—which was to say, in the hands of Otto Hightower and his daughter. Alicent had very little love for you—no pious woman in her right mind would love a daughter of sin—but you were glad for her influence in some ways. Rhaenyra, before she left King’s Landing, relayed to you that Otto had brought up your future betrothal when you were as young as ten, but Alicent cautioned him against premature decisions. Let us not waste the opportunity given to us by her marriage, she always chided, but Rhaenyra had the sense that it had less to do with politics and more to do with wanting to spare you from the fate of a child bride.
But now you were a woman grown, and you were quickly becoming a nuisance for the Queen. She had been willing to tolerate your presence near her children when you were all young and she was charged with raising you, but she had recently begun imagining that you had corruptive influence over her sons. Aegon regularly talked of how much he'd love to bed you, which made her furious with him; and Aemond always insisted on having your company, which made her furious with you. Ever since your first blood, the Red Keep had regularly been plagued by rumours of your indiscretions with whichever knight or lord with whom you were most seen. Most recently, the most popular whisper was that Prince Aemond was your lover and you were secretly carrying his child. Why else would such an adroit and honourable young man regularly associate with the daughter of a whore?
Alicent had been apoplectic when she heard the rumours. They were, you supposed, believable. Her second son had always been strangely attached to you, nearly to the exclusion of all others. He didn't even treat his own sister with such affection—and he certainly held no such love for his brother—so a carnal relationship was a somewhat natural conclusion for an outsider. You, however, withered at the thought. Aemond may now be as comely as the Maiden herself, but you still saw him as the awkward little boy whom you grew up alongside and whom you constantly defended from his bullies.
Of course, his mother had no way of knowing any of this; she could only see the signs of a sordid affair between the two of you. That Alicent Hightower had raised you out of the goodness of her heart and you chose to return this favour by corrupting her son and engaging in the great sin of fornication was a huge upset. Not only did she chew you out in the throne room in front of King Viserys, utterly humiliating you—she also designed to send you to the Silent Sisters.
You could have easily ingratiated yourself to her with the correct penance. You could have distanced yourself from Aemond, as well as every other man in the Red Keep. You could have dedicated yourself to studying the Seven, immersing yourself in their grace. And most of all, you could have fervently denounced your mother and fervently renounced all sin. You could have made it clear that you were not a sinner, and especially not a harlot.
But you would lose respect for yourself if you did any of those things. You loved your mother too much to disavow her; you refused to practise a faith that would condemn her to hell simply for her profession; and most importantly, you did not want to distance yourself from Aemond. You had only three friends in this world, and that was only if you were allowed to include your dragon in the count. Your cousin Jacaerys got along well with you, but he'd long since left the capital, making Aemond your only companion in King’s Landing who was capable of human speech. (Wildfyre, though loyal, was not exactly a good conversationalist.)
All this to say, you simply did not want to let Aemond go.
In the end, you placated Alicent by making the somewhat extreme decision to invite her most trusted septa to inspect your maidenhead. When it was revealed that you were not, in fact, fucking Aemond, Alicent had no choice but to recant her allegations. Mollified, the Queen afterward extended an olive branch by meeting with you at least once a week. Repairing our relationship, she called it. By this she meant that she would spend an hour proselytising to you in an attempt to save your heathen Lysene soul, and then another hour discussing your marriage prospects. Better to be rid of you before her second son could actually be seduced by your sinful nature.
Right now you were both sitting in the garden, enjoying a pot of chrysanthemum tea in the sun. Alicent had just wrapped up an impromptu sermon about the Seven; now she was speaking to you about marriage. She kept talking about a Lord Stokeworth and a Lordling from House Tully. The former was nearly thirty years your senior and the younger was almost ten years your junior, but they were both willing to overlook the fact that people knew you as the daughter of a Lysene whore. It was more important to them that you were the blood of the dragon.
“Rivermen are especially difficult to make alliances with,” Alicent told you, “but they are bound by oaths and loyal to their kin. And I'm sure the lordling would treat you well. A marriage with a Tully would do well for all of us.”
“Rivermen are bound by oaths,” you said, “but they have already sworn loyalty toward us. They have never once expressed unrest during King Viserys’ reign, have they?”
Alicent stopped. She regarded you carefully, her fingers twitching—nails scraping against one another. She clearly wanted to use you to assure the loyalty of the Riverlands to the Hightowers, but you were unwilling to openly commit yourself to her cause. For the past several years, you'd been careful to wear neither black nor green, and this was perhaps both her greatest reason for not loving you and for not banishing you.
“That is true,” she said, “but Lord Tully has been sick a long while now, and his hold on his bannermen has loosened. Their allegiances are unclear. It would do well for the Crown to have more influence in the Riverlands, in case of any trouble during our succession.”
“I am still confused, my Queen. I do not think the Riverlands have ever been inclined to defy either their liege or the Iron Throne. They have all bent the knee to Princess Rhaenyra.” With this, you paralyzed the Queen: the only reason they would have to protest the Iron Throne was if it were ever usurped. She had just implied treason, and you would not let it go unnoticed.
You supposed it was a bold thing to point this out, but you really did not want to marry a ten year old. Ideally you'd wed a handsome lord with reasonable political standing, as far away from the Red Keep and the new gods as possible. The Riverlands were too close, and the Faith of the Seven was too strong there. On the other hand, Dorne, Winterfell, and the Iron Islands were incredibly far, and the peoples of the latter two followed entirely different faiths. Most importantly, the men of their respective noble families were quite handsome. You would happily live up to your reputation and debase yourself for Cregan Stark if the opportunity ever arose.
“If oaths were the problem,” you said delicately. “I'm sure the North could use attention. The Ironborn have always wanted for independence, and we have relied greatly on the Starks to suppress them. Or perhaps we could consider the problem of Dorne.”
“Dorne,” she repeated, her stare hard.
“King Viserys has always wanted to bring them into the kingdom, has he not?” She breathed deeply, and you added, “These are not suggestions, of course. Merely questions. I am eager to learn the wisdom of the only woman to sit on the Small Council.”
Let it not be said that you did not know how to play to people’s emotions. Alicent’s shoulders relaxed, and she took a sip of her tea. “These are good questions,” she admitted. “The problem of Dorne is too complex to manage with a simple marriage to House Targaryen, but the Greyjoy suggestion is intriguing. I might be inclined to caution the King against it, if he were to propose it. The Ironborn are a proud people. I do not think a marriage to a Targaryen lady would be enough to placate them, and a marriage to you specifically may present… a danger to the North.”
“You would worry about giving them a dragon.”
“Yes. But Winterfell…”
The Queen paused. You tried not to smile.
“Winterfell always honours their oaths,” you said, “but given what the realm asks of them, it never hurts to reward them for their loyalty. Who knows what may happen in the future?” Who knows what may happen if Prince Aegon were to ascend the Throne? “If a struggle were ever to happen at the Wall, I am sure Lord Stark and his bannermen would remember which queen sent him a Targaryen wife and a dragon in support of their struggle.”
Alicent nodded. She looked at you as if seeing you in a new light—a better one.
“I will speak to the Hand about this matter,” she determined. “I shall get his thoughts before the tourney in a fortnight, and see which families we should introduce you to then.”
“I shall prepare myself for it.”
“Good.” She smiled at you. “See to it that you are dressed well for the occasion. I feel that green would be a lovely colour on you—don’t you?”
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“Hello, father of my bastard child!”
Your voice rang through the dragonpit, a cheerful echo in its near pitch-black depths. By the light of the torches, Aemond could barely make out your silhouette, but he could hear the lightness of your footsteps nevertheless.
For someone who had been the subject of vile accusations for the past month, you seemed awfully happy. You weren't always so thick-skinned, Aemond mused: when you were younger, he often caught you brooding in the dragonpit, sniffling at the way women talked about you and the way men leered at you. Any other child—himself included—would have been terrified to stay here, alone in darkness and brimstone, but your only friend for a long time was your dragon, so naturally his home was where you went when you were miserable. And you were very often miserable.
But you were now well-adjusted in your adulthood, apparently impervious to most insults and whispers about you. (What are they going to do? you often said dryly. Call me a tart? A temptress? That I belong in Flea Bottom? They’ve been saying that for years!) You had just taken the past month of scandal in stride, and now you seemed irreverent of it. It made Aemond tense: although he did not terribly mind that people mistook you for his lover, he still had appearances to manage. And he disliked it when people spoke ill of you. Ever since he had built a reputation as a respected prince, he made it clear that no one was to speak poorly of you before him. The only exception was his idiot brother, with whom he was meant to maintain the appearance of unity. The other day, he caught him monologuing about the ways in which he imagined Aemond was debasing you (“I hardly knew my brother had it in him! It surely had to be my cousin’s work—seducing the fierce Aemond One-Eye!”), and Aemond could scarcely hold himself back from maiming him. Still, his sword stayed within its sheath, his knuckles white and tense around its hilt.
He could not solve the issue of his brother with intimidation. Aemond could only caution you against fueling him: “If you keep talking like that, the whole of the Red Keep will start whispering about you again.”
You laughed. “Who’s going to overhear us? Will Vhagar be gossiping with Dreamfyre about our scandalous relationship?” You craned your neck, looking behind him. “Where is your old lady, anyhow? Can I give her a treat today?”
“Vhagar awaits us outside. You are always welcome to feed her, but the dragon keepers said there is a scarcity of lamb at the moment.”
“Ah, well. Let’s go find Wildfyre, then—I called for him earlier, but he didn't come. I bet he’s napping somewhere.” The two of you began walking, cutting a path through ash and crumbling bone. Aemond guided you around what looked like the fresh remains of cattle, and you thanked him, wrinkling your nose at the familiar stench of charcoal and rotting flesh.
“What you said about the lamb,” you started, “concerns me. Are the smallfolk short of livestock?”
“I have heard from the Hand that there is a sickness among the animals of the Reach, so the yield has been worse this year than most others.”
“How sad! I hope they’ll be alright.”
“The dragons are well-fed—the Hand has assured it.”
You gave Aemond a curious look. “I was speaking of the smallfolk, not the dragons.”
Aemond paused. “Of course,” he said, “the Hand will also ensure their well-being. I did not even think to question that.”
Truthfully, Aemond had not thought of the smallfolk at all, but he should have. Whenever he or Aegon spoke of the issues of the Realm, they were always your first concern—the farmers and the craftsmen and even the whores of Flea Bottom. Aegon said it was evidence of your commoner blood, but Aemond thought it was discerning of you. Were you born his eldest sister and not his eldest cousin, it would be evidence of your good judgement as a future ruler.
Though of course, if you had been his eldest sister, then you would have been wedded to Aegon—a thought that Aemond found exceptionally distasteful. In fact, the thought of any man touching you made his knuckles tighten around his sword, yet it was a reality that his mother had told him to make peace with many times.
Aemond, she told him the other day, looking at his tightly controlled expression, I know you have a great… fondness of your cousin. But the two of you are no longer children. It is improper for you to spend so much time around her. You would not want to compromise any future prospects for yourself, nor disgrace yourself in the eyes of the Seven. And god forbid you ruin her prospects. Your grandfather and I have been working hard to secure a good match for her—a difficult feat, given her parentage.
Unfortunately for Alicent, Aemond felt that the Seven could fuck themselves. And his prospects had always been lacking as the second son, but he would eventually overcome the circumstance of his birth. Aemond considered himself a loyal son, but he would not succumb to whatever mediocre designs his mother had for his future.
He would make sure that you would not, either.
“You seem happy,” he observed. “I take it your afternoon with Alicent went well?”
“Very well. I avoided a marriage to that Tully boy, and I think I may have even charmed your mother.” You flashed him a smile—one he'd been seeing since childhood, but of which he never tired. “She is now considering potential matches in the North for me. I'll likely be meeting potential suitors in the upcoming banquet—I do hope they’ll be handsome. And wealthy.”
Aemond did not bother trying to smile. “The North is very far.” He slipped into Valyrian: “You belong in the South, near skies filled with dragons and the waters of the old Freehold. You are a Targaryen, are you not?”
“I may be a Targaryen, but I am unwanted here,” you dismissed. Even after all these years, you spoke Valyrian with a Lysene accent, and—as often happened in private speech—you reverted to a vocabulary that was closer to the Low Valyrian of your mother rather than the High Valyrian taught by the maesters. Still, you were the only person in the whole of the capital more fluent in the language than Aemond; he only spoke as well as he did because he’d grown up practising with you. “The further I get away from the Red Keep, the less hated I will be.”
“But you will be alone.”
“I will have Wildfyre, my lord husband, and an entire castle of people to make friends with.”
“Or enemies of.”
“If I can charm Alicent Hightower, I do believe I can also charm anyone else in the Realm.” You grinned at him—though Aemond did not miss the careful look you gave him. “But if you're worried about being lonely, I can always fly back on Wildfyre and visit you.”
“You need not be concerned. I have many allies within the Red Keep.”
You stopped then, openly studying him. “It is—difficult,” you replied in the Common Tongue, “for me not to worry about you.”
His brow arched. Aemond could not help but stare, puzzled: you watched him enough on the training grounds to know that not only could he easily kill most men, but also that most men feared him for it.
“There are few people in this world who would worry about me,” he said neatly, and your look grew embarrassed.
“Yes, I know it’s silly of me. Why would I worry about the famed Aemond One-Eye, Prince of the Seven Kingdoms, Rider of Vhagar, and winner of countless tourneys?”
“Two. I've won two tourneys.”
“Well, that’s more tourneys than most will win in their lifetime. And I’m sure you'll win the one in the fortnight as well.”
Aemond did not see the point in denying it. “Perhaps. What of it?”
You breathed deeply, and Aemond could see on your face how much you were trying to be diplomatic. “What I mean to say is—you are a respected warrior with many allies. But an ally is not the same thing as a friend, and a sword cannot offer its wielder any reprieve. Sometimes I fear whom you will rely on if I leave.”
“You think I have no friends,” he said plainly, and you gave him a sheepish look. He did not smile.
“I’m just worried you don't have anyone you can actually trust here,” you explained.
Aemond would spurn the words coming from anyone else. He might even be inclined to intimidate them, simply to remind them of his position. A prince should not be so patronised.
But looking at you, with your worried eyes and furrowed brow, he thought of the two weeks you spent by his bedside as healed, and all those times you checked on him after chasing away Aegon, and how you took him dragon riding until he was as comfortable at it as you. You likely still saw the weak child he once was—a habit he could not fault you for, but which aggrieved him nevertheless.
He did not let his irritation show on his face.
“You need not worry, cousin. I do not need trust from anyone—only respect.” And respect was something he had in spades.
You gave him a dubious look, but relented. “Alright. Just know that you can always write to me, no matter how far away I am.”
Aemond hummed. He'd nearly forgotten your initial concern: the looming distance from him, the gap and loneliness that your marriage would supposedly create.
His mouth curled.
“I appreciate it, but I have the sense that you’ll end up closer to home than you think.”
“Oh? What do you mean?” Your brow knotted. “Has your mother said something to you?”
“Nothing concrete,” he replied smoothly. “But nevermind—let us fetch Wildfyre. We should fly out before the day grows any older.”
The thought of flying distracted you from all others. “Yes, it would be troublesome if we stayed out too long.”
“Where would you like to go?”
You grinned. “I'll race you to Spicetown? We can go to the market and be back by midnight.”
“Midnight?” Aemond sounded—was—amused. What a free-spirited thing you were, to be careless enough to return to the Red Keep with him after curfew. “This is why those rumours started in the first place, you know.”
“It was worth the trouble, don’t you think? Or are you going to deny me now?”
He could not. Aemond was a disciplined man—his goals could not allow for much error in his life—but he also found it impossible not to humour any request from you. He did not have many joys in his childhood, and he had never outgrown his habit of wishing for the joy you brought with your happiness. It was hard for him not to indulge you.
In fact, this wish you had for your future—to marry some trifling lord beneath you and move far away from King’s Landing, the place in which you belonged—would be the first thing he would ever deny you.
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thanks for reading! if you enjoyed this, please do reblog and let me know what you think - I would mega appreciate it <3
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kedsandtubesocks · 11 months ago
Hi!hi 🦭 here! Thanks for explaining in the last ask. I'm definitely gonna read those fics of urs after like gaining some knowledge about it. The prison realm gojo you were talking about. Is it this:
So we put him in a mason jar and just shake him around and this is mainly because I want to do this to him so often
I found this from one of ur past posts. Sorry I stalk around ur account a lot hehe. I don't miss a single jjk post of urs 😚 also read ur mha posts even tho I haven't watched it lmfao. Im kinda ashamed how i don't know any other big anime than jjk. Don't be sorry btw! And oh dark fantasy...you say....yummy 😋
Prev ask: mothman gojo deserves so much more views! I sent ask like sometime ago crying over how it had less than 200 rbs lol idk if u remember but yeah that was me hehe.
I love monsters too..esp nagas (tho i hate reptiles lmao😭); I literally love everything you had mentioned. I don't know much about fantasy genre in depth. I just read them here and there. But recently I'm too obsessed with the genre. Still my knowledge is zero. I don't even know what's a Mage. But I'm watching the the ancient magus bride 💀💀have u watched it btw? 👀
And i have had fun writing to you💕💕 and opps that's a long ask 😅😅
Hi sweet sealy! I’m so sorry for getting to this later than normal but thanks for dropping by to chat with me again and I’m glad you had fun writing your reply!!! ♥️
Omg that “need to put him in a mason jar” concept is literally just me with Gojo 24/7 LMAO!! But I do have a few small little concept posts for it here & here if you ever get curious about it 💭
And AHHH!!! Not you reading my mha post without even watching it 🥺 I highly recommend it! And don’t feel sorry or bad about only watching jjk!!! Getting into a lot of anime at once is a lot sometimes so I get it 🩵
Oh you previous ask on mothman Gojo and now here you are again I’m melting 😭🥺 thank you so much dearest I really do appreciate that 🦋
Oooooo Nagas! Very nice pick!! I’m glad we’re on the same page for fantasy love too!! It’s always fun to explore tropes and genres together don’t you think?!
I’ve heard about ‘the ancient magus bride’ and I’ve had a few people recommend it!! How are you liking it?! 🔮
And I had fun talking to you too sweet friend and I hope your have a great rest of your day!! 🌹🌷✨
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artistryofpalmistry · 1 year ago
free palm reads! DM me:)
New long ad 
#Hello sweet soul, I’m Amara, aka; LustratedSpirit! 🙏🙋‍♀️👋
#Anyone like a free palm reading? DM me:) ✋👏🙌
‼️🌺🌻All you have to do is; send a pic of your dominant hand, nice and bright so I can see the palmar flexion creases, aka the lines on your palm & I’ll send you a reading back asap! 💫🌟
🌟Usually within 30 mins, give or take:)🧭
#HELLO! It’s a beautiful day for a beautiful day, is it not? 🌤️🌞🌥️
### I thank the universe for bringing you here!! Our paths were supposed to merge, I don’t believe in coincidence!🌏🌍🌎
🤲*Unlock the Secrets of Your Hands with a free palm read!*🤲
*I also go by u/LustratedSpirit on Reddit & it’s my honour to meet you!
###Follow me to stay up to date with any developments & **join our subreddit r/palmreadz**🧙‍♀️🪄🧙‍♂️
(If you would like to leave or read our reviews, you can hear!)[https://reddit.com/u/LustratedSpirit/s/ZvOkk6COPs]
##Im a spiritual/energy healer, clairvoyant & alternative practitioner who specialises in palmistry & tarot card readings! I put my whole heart into every reading I do. I try make them as detailed as possible so you have the knowledge to make decisions confidently and to help ensure your next step in life is in the right direction. 🪄🧚🧚‍♀️
##I’ve been reading palms and doing tarot readings since I was little, for as long as I can remember due to been born into a family of mediums and clairvoyants; and have been practicing ever since! 💭🔮🌟
###My mother was a specialist palm reader who went on spiritual pilgrimages to learn the art from some of the best practitioners in the world! 
###I’ve been lucky enough to have all this knowledge and experience passed down to me. This is something I’ve always been incredibly passionate about & I really appreciate anyone who uses my services!
**I’ve been doing readings professionally for at least 10 years, but have been working on my readings pretty much my whole life! I can assure you you’re in good hands:)** 🙏🫶🤲
**Intention matters, the vibrations and frequencies we give off are vastly different when negative. People can feel the good vibrations of positivity, even if they arent aware! I’m sure the universe feels it too. So, what are you waiting for? Reach out today and let’s share some good vibrations!** 🫨💕💖
##DM me if you would like a free palm reading or any info about other services:) ❄️☀️☄️💥🔥
##Your palms contain hidden insights into your destiny and purpose. Obtain guidance and revelation through my palm readings. 🔎🔍
**Receive a general reading, covering 3 of your major lines or a tarot card reading for free!**
**Alternatively, for a small contribution you can ask for a focused read where you receive insights into certain areas of particular interest & ask as many questions as you like!**
**I wish I could do this for free all the time but sadly you can’t eat without cash haha! **
###You hold the map to your future in the palm of your hand - let me help decipher it! My accurate, compassionate readings provide the missing piece you need to move forward 🗺️🗾🧭
####We are a donation run service & it wouldn’t be possible without the kind generosity of the people who are able to donate! 🪙💲
We operate in good faith! If you’re unable to contribute, it’s okay, I will still help if I’m able to! 
**I don’t want to lock anything behind a paywall. People sometimes genuinely need some help and I couldn’t turn anyone away bcz they don’t have money. 
All I ask is if you are able, please consider helping out. Donations effectively enable me to offer this service to everyone no matter what & I do think that is beautiful; so thanks so much!!**‼️🚨
###Join our subreddit: r/palmreadz 🤲🫶
#DM me for a free reading!! 📖📚
**♥️ I read intuitively and give you the answer using your guides and the universe. They tell me what you NEED to hear not what you WANT to hear. If you're looking for someone who will genuinely answer your questions with no lies, you can count on me. ♥️**💫🌟⭐️
**I can read: love, career, spiritual, ancestors/angels, future, marriage, financial, general, or etc! Just ask in my DMs, and I will answer if it's something I can read for you. ♥️** 🌻🪷🌺
Thanks for reading!! Feel free to message me anytime! All donations are greatly appreciated:) 🥰🙏🤗
#palmreading #spiritual #medium
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buckymorelikefuckme · 2 years ago
Bro, u have 100 more followers than king Leonidas had soldiers when he lead 300 Spartans to defeat "God-King" Xerxes and his invading army of more than 300k Persians
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this is such a random fact of knowledge to have but it’s strangely comforting thank you kind stranger 🥺♥️
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kiddotarot · 2 months ago
Happy New Year!!
How re u dear?? Well congratulations on 900 followers, more to go!! Just a few words about your blog even though it’s not included I would like to add. Well tbh I really like your blog. You post lot of informative observations of Vedic, matrix etc. You even hold games that are insightful. So I really like your contents please keep going and hope you bag 1k soon.♥️ Now to the game my initials are cmps. I choose this emoji 🧸. I am she/her. I prefer male. Below is my chart.
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Thank you for the opportunity.
Have a good day ahead!🧡
Hi. Thank you for participating 💖.
1. Your future spouse can be very mature and have serious out look in there life.
2. The can be very knowledgable and wise.
3. They are hardworking and have a stable life.
4. They have a lot of experience in terms of social life.
5. They can be from your social group and from your freinds or elder siblings relations.
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brandonwaratah01 · 3 months ago
♥️ brandonwaratah01 💚
- C e r a m i c A r t -
“ I love having finished ceramic art brought home from the Studio! Thank you to those that have supported me in any way to have the items done. No damages could make me grin. Having the ceramics pose before a photograph on the “Venco Pottery Wheel” at home would give a smile. Giving the ceramic art as a gift could make the brand new owner laugh out loud because of the joyous memory of receiving a gift. There are plenty more to glaze before Christmas Day. Another visit(s) that involves packaging or unpacking. Safe deliveries a - b or b - a and then another big thank you to those that were apart of making the ceramic item(s) as a 3-Dimensional reality! It’s amazing to realise that my first pottery lesson at the age of eleven has sprouted from a seedling to me becoming a pottery artist that is absorbing the knowledge and understanding to reach the end goal at becoming a professional Ceramicist. I have given a business name(s) in hopes of making more refined ceramic art as collaborative efforts to successfully make, create and do in the near future either in December and or in the brand new year in 2025. The following months and years ahead to have artistic uniqueness and successful branding to reveal what there is to show and advertise. I will try my best to create forms that are original and artistic visuals on the exterior to also be one of a kind. After exhibiting should I have an Instagram page and a website with social platforms made ready to inform potential audience(s) the creativity that I have to share and address at my own pace. I’d hope to make ends meet with the strong understanding of Ceramic artistry. To globally exhibit would be the cherry on top of the pavlova cake. Hand made designs versus’ made by a pottery wheel have bold contrasting comparisons.”
♥️ - B r a n d o n v.p N g u y e n - 💚
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